New rap from the local creation today. This just a song, it doesn't mean any other things. If you don't like, you can turn off it directly. It just a song, like or not is depends of you. Juat wanna share with all of you. For me, i'm not really like the song, how you feel? Please share your comments here. The new song name is 我的朋友 My Friends Kawanku
今天 Douglas aka Chongky aka Kuku 又介紹了一個新的本地創作RAP。這只是一首歌,沒其他意思。如果不喜歡就不要看…… 我本身也不是很喜歡这歌,那你呢?请留下你的留言。 新歌的名叫 我的朋友 My Friends Kawanku
How your feel of this song (我的朋友My Friends Kawanku), please share your comments here.
你觉得这歌如何 (我的朋友My Friends Kawanku)?请留下你的留言。
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